iPhone 15 First Look: USB-C Confirmed! (Real Photo LEAKED)

the iPhone 15 has actually formally leaked not just some cads makes an actual image of the iPhone 15 is below as well as it confirms something substantial something of apple has never ever done before in its background however before I clarify precisely what I'' m chatting about I'' ve got to reveal you men this picture it'' s a Mac Rumors prerogative here we have the complete iPhone 15 design with some major major adjustments yet it'' s missing out on a few other this is in fact from unknowns 21 or you redditor on Twitter you can see him right below absolutely follow him due to the fact that his leakages are official I wear'' t know just how he gets his resources but he is extremely very excellent and also you can see his leakage right here now initial point we see the front of the apple iphone 15 and under we we see the USB type-c port so yes finally lightning is disappearing across the board with the iPhone 15 lineup USB type-c but there is a catch which I'' m mosting likely to clarify in simply a second however the biggest deal you have to understand in this photo is that the chassis is no much longer redesigned yes we can see the vibrant Island right up here finally we'' re removing a notch finally that thing needs to go as well as it is with the iPhone 15 however if you take a look at the outside sides they are precisely the same as the existing apple iphone 14 which'' s a large offer since we ' re anticipating a full redesign for the 15 schedule however it ' s really just on the 15 Pro Designs and unknowns 21 leaked an actual photo of the 15 Pro as well as the huge difference there is that the edges are actually curved not entirely flat like the apple iphone 14.

now every one of this matches up to something that minchiklo said back in September stating that with the apple iphone 15 lineup apple is gon na better divide their tools with different attributes as well as if you'' ve been adhering to methods you price estimate on Twitter you'' ll understand what a few of those are as an example he discussed that all of them are mosting likely to have USBC nonetheless just the high-end models are gon na have faster transfer rates like potentially also Thunderbolt while the regular iPhone 15 is mosting likely to be limited to USB 2.0 which is insanely slow that'' s so unsatisfactory additionally he did mention that the brand-new apple iphone 15 Pro Versions are gon na have essentially strong state switches say goodbye to physical buttons yet that is actually not pertaining to the normal iPhone 15 only to the Pro Designs but before I get involved in that I'' ve reached speak about the best apple iphone instance I'' ve ever seen the magic stand situation from our partner situation Q not just is it remarkably slim and also long lasting but it features an extremely solid 48 Magnet Max secure ring that really doubles as a stand just draw out the ring and also utilize it as a finger grasp or a represent enjoying videos at any type of angle between 40 and also 120 levels and the finest component is that it folds back entirely flush with the situation so you can still utilize it with your max save battery charger as well as accessories so look into the web link in the discount information in the video summary below now this new leakage from unknowns 21 goes completely versus what shrimp Apple Pro is saying since he claimed it would certainly have the same sort of design with the rounded sides and also every little thing else with him claiming the layout language is mosting likely to get on the vanilla 15 too however unowns 21 does not concur especially with that said leakage you just shared currently he is dependable since because he did mention that Wi-Fi 6E will only be on the 15 Pro Models not on the iPhone 15 and afterwards of course below favors the 15 Pro with the brand-new titanium finish and also the curve going in the direction of the screen which is not beginning the iPhone 15.

So for the very first time ever with Apple'' s apple iphone schedule apple is entirely differentiating the design from the regular models as well as the Pro Models it'' s entirely different so later on this year the apple iphone 15 is going to be tiring it'' s going to have the old layout for a lower price and the brand name brand-new remarkable layout with all the attributes is only coming on the 15 Pro and also the most effective component concerning unidentified'' s 21 ' s leakages is that they pair up to the main cads that Max winebox shown to nine to five Mac they compare perfectly and also they do show the a contour in the direction of the side type of mixing into the glass with an insane camera bump they likewise show just how it'' s going to be extra rounded and also more comfy like Ian Zelda showed as well as his makes that he'' s dealing with also they show the 2.5 D front glass with shrimp Apple Pro flaunted type of like the Apple watch where it'' s flat as well as after that it gets type of reduced down right into the side and Combined and you can see just how huge the electronic camera bump is going to be but bear in mind that'' s just on the 15 Pro the routine 15 is gon na have a much smaller sized cam bump and then Ian obviously flaunted these good titanium appearances and also naturally that'' s just coming on the pro not the 15.

This is so frustrating apple is differentiating these models like never ever before which to me means that the regular 15 is mosting likely to coincide price once again no rate walk eight hundred bucks well I think the 15 Pro is going to get a lot more costly and also you can simply hear a list of features that the 15 pro as well as pro Max are getting like for example 120hz promo not on the 15. brand-new design 2.5 D glass not on the 15 thinner bezels out the 15. titanium frame solid state switches Periscope and also the Promax the new a17 chip 3 nanometer eight gigs of RAM Wi-Fi 6E Thunderbolt 3 none of those attributes are beginning the 15 as well as primarily this is the very first time that Apple has actually ever done this as well as it'' s definitely crazy to see the real picture of the apple iphone 15 currently in February right below in front of us as well as it'' s not getting the redesign and also oh my goodness guys you will certainly not think this Max Weinbach as I'' m filming this just launched new iPhone 15 cads indeed main cads for the apple iphone 15 have been launched as well as apparently the apple iphone 15 is going to be a little bit larger 6.2 inches as opposed to 6.1 and have a look at these pet cats ads you can see the 15 Pro on the left the 15 on the ideal Dynamic Island equally as we expected previously and also oh my benefits the 15 Pro Camera lover is gon na be enormous it appears like it'' s basically the exact same on the apple iphone 15 on the left and there you go that right there is mosting likely to offer you a huge difference in camera high quality consider that the apple iphone 15 video camera bump is little contrasted to the 15 Pro currently possibly it'' s getting a fair bit larger but compared to the 15 Pro it'' s small and also you can see USBC on both of them but the craziest point right here is that according to Max Weinbach and also these cads evidently the new layout language almost appears like it is coming because this does look type of rounded it'' s tough to inform in these cads possibly it hasn'' t changed in any way in regards to exactly how the glass works and if it'' s 2.5 D or otherwise yet it does kind of look rounded I presume we'' ll have to wait and also see for confirmation if you'' re waiting for the apple iphone 15 line up you much better attempt to conserve up some money today so you might get the Pro Versions since these things are sort of gon na draw yes certainly they have USBC they have the vibrant Island but they are going to be so a lot worse than the Pro Versions apple is mosting likely to make everyone desire the pro and I'' m gon na recommend that model for certain so hopefully you appreciate these leaks from unknowns 21 allow me understand what you assume down in the remark section below and click the circle above to subscribe for even more video clips such as this one thanks for watching and we'' ll see you in the following video clip international

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